Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Donat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Donat. In his book, The Age of the Dream Palace, Jeffrey Richards wrote that Donat was "The British cinema's one undisputed romantic leading man. A rank in some knightly orders. Origin From Donatus, a famous grammarian. donat (plural donats) A rank in some knightly orders.

Donat Donate definition, to present as a gift, grant, or contribution; make a donation of, as to a fund or cause: to donate used clothes to the Salvation Army. Donate definition is - to make a gift of; especially : to contribute to a public or charitable cause. How to use donate in a sentence. You can have Donat using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Donat

  1. It's 250 gr of terigu protein sedang (segitiga).
  2. Prepare 30 gr of gula pasir.
  3. It's 1 sdt of ragi instan.
  4. Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam (3,5 gr).
  5. It's 1 btr of kuning telur.
  6. It's 125 gr of air dingin (boleh susu cair dingin).
  7. Prepare 30 gr of margarin.

Synonym Discussion of donate. ¡BIENVENIDO A MI CANAL! Si te gusta FREE FIRE, entonces disfrutaras mi contenido. No tomo las cosas demasiado en serio, y trato de hacer mis videos divertido. Before you sign in through the new platform, we recommend that you link your account in the "General settings" section of the dashboard.

Donat step by step

  1. Campur semua bahan kecuali garam dan margarin. Uleni sampai setengah kalis..
  2. Masukkan garam dan margarin, uleni lg sampai kalis. Untuk donat tidak apa² jika tidak sampai elastis seperti roti..
  3. Siapkan kertas baking yg sudah dipotong² persegi (aku potong sekitar 9x9 cm), susun diatas loyang/nampan. Taburi kertas baking dengan terigu. Bagi² atau timbang adonan, aku @30 gr. Bulat²kan dan susun diatas kertas baking. Tutup & istirahatkan 30 mnt atau sampai rileks atau lembut, tidak membal saat ditekan. Maaf ya, kertas bakingnya lupa kufoto. Atau pakai tatakan donat seperti gambar dibawah, banyak yg jual di online shop..
  4. Tekan adonan sedikit saja, lobangi tengahnya dengan pembolong donat (pakai spuit jg bisa). Bs jg dicetak dengan cetakan donat. Dengan jari jg bisa, adonan tak perlu ditekan langsung saja lobangi tengahnya dengan jari yg sudah dicelupkan ke terigu. Tutup dengan kain atau plastik dan diamkan sampai mengembang 2 x lipat dan ringan 45-60 mnt..
  5. Panaskan minyak banyak. Ambil donat sesuai urutan yg pertama dibulatkan, caranya ambil kertas baking (tanpa menyentuh donat), langsung tuang ke dlm wajan. Goreng dengan api agak kecil sampai bawahnya kecoklatan. Balik dan tunggu sampai matang lg bawahnya. 1 kali balik saja. Angkat dan tiriskan..

This will help you avoid creating additional DonationAlerts accounts. Donat Mg natural mineral water contains more magnesium than any other mineral water, and its unique composition has scientifically proven effects. Donat Mg is a gift of nature straight from the depths of the earth. Donat's style of acting, whether comic or dramatic, was usually reserved, with the subtleties of face and voice being his talents to complement the role. Nothing else is known, but in some lists he is called Dunwyd.