Donut mini versi aku. #reviewdonat #battledonat #krispykreme #dunkindonut #jco #donatdino #dessert Enjoy video nya! Jangan Lupa SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & COMMENT!! A wide variety of mini donut speaker options are available to you, such as portable audio player, home theatre, and computer.
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Tidak hanya akustik ada dua versi lain yang dirilsi Public. #koreanminidonuts #donatminikorea #donatmini halo teman-teman semua. di video kali ini aku bikin donat yang lagi kekinian, kalo biasanya kita lihat bentuk.
A wide variety of donut mini options are available to you, such as use.
You can cook Donut mini versi aku using 14 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Donut mini versi aku
- You need 15 SDM of outmeal yg sudah dihaluskan dg blender.
- It's 7 SDM of tepung segitiga.
- It's 1 1/4 sdt of baking powder.
- You need 1 sdt of Ragi.
- Prepare 3 SDM of gula pasir.
- Prepare 1 of kuning telor.
- Prepare 250 ml of susu cair (pake merek apa ajah seterah).
- You need 3 SDM of mentega.
- You need 1 bungkus of glazer coklat (bisa beli yg harga 10rban kok).
- Prepare 1 bungkus of glazer strawberi.
- It's 1 bungkus of glazer taro.
- You need 1 bungkus of glazer tiramisu.
- You need 1 bungkus of mesis (aku beli dipasar mesis yg bagus 5000).
- You need 500 ml of minyak goreng.
Hot sale electric Mini donut making machine Doughnut machine donut oven. Donut encourages trust, collaboration, and good will across your team and organization. Create an automated coffee or lunch roulette program "Donut keeps me sane during this stressful time! I feel like I've met more new people this week as a remote worker than in the past month at the office." Mini donuts covered with a delicious coconut crunch.
Donut mini versi aku instructions
- Masukkan tepung"an, ragi, gula, baking powder, aduk nyampe rata.
- Tambah susu cair aduk rata, tambah kuning telor, aduk rata,.
- Tambah mentega uleni -+ 15menit hingga kalis dan mulur adonannya, tutup kape lap bersih klo ada pake wraping wrap. Diamkan selama 1 jam.
- Bentuk adonan dg cetakan hingga adonan habis dibentuk (aku bikin yg bentuk donut dan yg aku post ini yg bagian tengahnya.. 🤣).
- Diamkan selama 1 jam, setelah 1 jam goreng donat mini diatas api sedang dan minyak dalam keadaan panas..
- Goreng semua yeee, dinginkan donut. Celup"in dah ke glazernya siap di makan..
- Bener" dah bikinnya lama klo ngabisin cepet bgt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣tp kebayar dg kepuasan cuuuy.
Lose yourself in the chocolaty satisfaction of these mini donuts. Enjoy them for breakfast or any time of day. To use it, all you really have to do is. Current track: Dangdut versi akustik enak bangetDangdut versi akustik enak banget. Willy Wonka had his chocolate factory, but you're going to have a donut factory after you bring this home!